Sunday, January 15, 2012

WR : Rings

Salaam ,
So this is my 1st post of the year ! Hope you're all doign well !
Since this post is included in WR posts, it's going to be about rings which is itself WR ! I had this post in mind since sometime and actually ever since my cousin( ( the one getting married - check the previous WR posts ) got a ring !!!!
Alhamdulilah , their planing is going much more better now , and her fiance finally got her an engagement ring , in white silver glowing gold ! I didnt have a close look at her ring , but it's nice and a bit big - I suppose she likes them that way .
Personally I prefer small traditional engagement rings . The ones with just a diamond ( not real diamond , you know what I mean ) , or other few tiny ones beside . That actually made me wonder about this universal tradition . Why is it that a ring -specifically - is the engagement and wedding symbol ? why isn't is a necklace or a bracelet for example ? To be honest , I don't really know , and haven't also looked about this matter . But I like to think that maybe because a ring , though small compared to other jewellery and ornements , is attractive and has it's own charm . And since it is worn in the 4th finger of the left hand ( in other societies in the right hand ) it is well noticed , of course because we use our hands alot during our daily life .
Speaking of the emplacement of the ring , the most known is in the left hand ( I guess almost everybody heard about why exactly in the fourth finger ) , but in other countries like in germany , the engagement ring is worn in the left hand , and after the marriage ceremony takes place it's transfered to the right hand . I also heard recently that in Arab countries ( that's indeed surprising since I belong to one lol ) while engaged the ring is worn on the right hand , then in the left one after marriage .

Till next time , let me know what type of rings YOU like and about your traditions concerning rings ! And if You are married or engaged , what does your ring look like ? Did you pick yourself or did your man pick it ?

Here are some nice rings I found and liked :)


  1. Interesting post!!! I was wondering the same thing about rings! All three of the rings are beautiful I especially like the third =]

  2. Salaam ! well I'm glad you got to know why ! I like the 3rd one too :D
