Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Hijabi Tag

Salaam !
I hope this post find you in a good health inshAllah :) 
So I read this tag on this particular blog I always read , I found it really interesting so thought of giving my answers :) 

1. How old were you when you started wearing the hijab? 
I started wearing hijab in my first year of high school ( exactly the 1st day of Ramadan) , I was 15 by then and I had made the decision of wearing it 3 years before . Alahmadulilah best decision ever .

2. What or who influenced you to become a hijabi ? 
 Since my mum and aunts wear it , they played in important role of insipiring me , I also read the Quran some articles , beside some hijabi friends that I had . My hijabi friends seems really convinced and sure about their choice to wear hijab , they also were closed for Allah ( SWT ) . I also began feeling the presence of Allah , and all what he'd subhanahu do for me , so as muslims obeying him is the least we can do .

3. How has hijab changed your life?
Alhamdulilah it changed it toward the best . I've never thought that being a hijabi would make open-minded , really social and most of all a god muslimah . I can tell you that since I started wearing it , I feel more peaceful , satisfied and happy about my life . I spend amazing times with my friends and hijabi sisters , I attend more conferences , I advice people , all in all I'm just in the way nof becoming a good muslim .

4. What does hijab mean to you?
It means before anything , covering your mind and heart . It's becoming an honest person toward yourself and Allah (SWT) , by practicing islam correctly , looking and searching about islamic differences too . It's a symbol of your honest islam :)

5. How do you deal with the rude comments/stares you get due to being a hijabi?
Because I live in a muslim country , alhamdulilah I don't get any really rude comments / stares . But if sometimes they occur , I just try to answer quietly that it's my choice of becoming religious and that my religion respects other religions , so I and every muslim should get the same respect back .

6. What is your favourite thing about wearing the hijab? 
It makes you feel like wearign a crown , but of course when acting like a queen . Beside all of the good things and the blessing they come with it . Like when some people leave you alone and respect you because you're a hijabi . Many boys I know , despite not being religious , affirmed that for them a hijabi is someone that Must get a high level of respect . 

7. What is your hijab must have accessory?
That would be hijab pins and secure pins . Because without them your hijab won't stay at it place ! I always put brooches sometimes :)

8. What advice could you give a newbie hijabi?
Trust in yoursefl and in Allah (swt) . Read the Quran , attend conferences , lectures and islamik camps and seminars , just get to know more about your islam , it will strenghten you . Also get social with another hijabi sisters , they will definitely help you and guide you . And don't worry because Alalh (swt) is there for you and will help you . 

9. What is one hijab trend you never understood?
 The hijab style where they attach the collar of a ling sleeves pull with the headscarf . I think it's uncomfortable and doesnt give you full coverage . 

10. What questions do you get asked the most due to wearing the hijab?
 As I mentioned before , I'm not asked ver much about wearing hijab , since I belong to a muslim society , and even the non-practicant muslims know that hijab is something that esists in islam and that it's compulsory and mentioned in the Quran . 
Though sometimes the most common questions I get asked are : 
" Why do wear hijab ? all what matters is the heart "
" You have such a pretty hair why coverign it ? " 
" Does all your family / mom wear hijab ? " 
" Does it make you feel hot ? Can you breath normally ? " 

But the ones I didn't like are :
One friend used to know before I became a hijabi , and when she saw me with hijab she said : " why that scarf over or head ? you do not need it " 
And recently a girl told me :" If you didnt wear hijab , you could have wore a pretty short dress like me " 

May Allah give them guidence . 

Well , I hope you find my answers interesting and maybe useful ! Alhamdulilah I never regretted wearing hijab , and seeing all the blessings that come with it is a true gift . If someone attack me in my beliefs ( and hijab is one of them ) , I deffend it with all arguments I have , because I know it's a right choice and that Allah (swt) is there for me . One more thing , I never thought I'll get more coniced about hijab after wearing . But with time , many things makes me more sure about it :) 

So Please do the Tag too ! All fo you reading this post do it I'd love to read it ;) 
Though I'd like to tag some sisters I know to insist them doing it ! 
Sister Alexandra : blog 
My friend Basma ( yes I'm talkign about YOU ! ) 
Sister Scarf-girl-in-the city . 
And all my followers and readers ! 
Till next time , have a nice day ! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for tagging me =]
    Check out my post on this tag!!
