Salaam !
I hope every reader of this post is doing well !
I haven't posted in few days , I was in an incredible other experience with my association ! ( but that's another post ! :D )
Today I'll be talking about wedding proposals !
Either they are done by phone , by a mutual friend ( a friend talks to you about how the man wants you for marriage) , directly , or by parents contacting parents , the marriage proposal is one unique events that marks a start to a new life phase !
We girls tend to imagine how our proposals would look like , would it be over a romantic candles dinner , by gathering friends and family so he can ask in front of everyone , would he take you to vegas and ask you at midnight , would it be while walking on the beach ?
Totally normal we make incredible scenes in our minds , we've been watching and hearing about fairy tales since a very young age , maybe too young age .
I believe this take us far away and we forget the real purpose of a proposal n but most of all the true message it is suppose to send .
Searching via the net , I found this very interesting video ! I'll let you watch it , and you'll eventually come to the same conclusion
How cuutteeee ! isn't it ? isn't the guy just wonderful !! that's how every girl should get proposed to !
Soryy to disappoint you , but to me it isn't really the case . Concerning the video , the whole porposal was awesome ! she was happy , overwhelmed and couldnt find her words ! I'm happy for them both and hope they'll get a life full of love and happiness .
But accordinng to me , what is special about this proposal is how he expressed his love , and how she felt .
So it doesnt automatically means that , if the proposal isn't like this , the whole proposal wont be awesome .
what matters is the message and how it is expressed . If your man thinks that you'd love this way , and if he himself like big extravanga things , believe me you'll get a similar maybe better proposal .
Though other people - like Me :D - like things simply and a bit more private . If I had to think how I'd want him to propose to me , I'd say , it should be a nice private dinner where we'll be both relaxed and at ease :)
So no matter how your proposal is , remember what matters is YOU . your man and you , your feelings and what you have toward each other :)
If your guy appears to be religious and goes straight to contacting your parents , yet asking his parents to contact yours , you can make him propose directly to you after you and your family accept :D
So till next time , take of yourselves !
Bunch of love from a little women with pretty thoughts ! :D <3 !
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